Everyone gets one life. You get your chance to make mistakes, learn, regret, be happy and so forth. Unfortunately there are many parents that seem to think that they can have a second chance through their children. They decide what their kid is going to be before they can even talk for themselves.
I do agree that parents should have a say in what you do with your life but they shouldn't be able to live your life. It is called YOUR life and you should be able to make YOUR mistakes, regrets, discoveries, and so forth. We have parents to show and help us and protect us but if they don't let us see, or tell us, what they are protecting us from then we will never understand.

I am definitely not saying that you should go against your parents wishes, but I am saying that you need to make your thoughts known. If you don't, you will never have a chance to go for what you want. Dream about what you want, even if it's not exactly what your parents are dreaming for you.
If you haven't told your parents, or the authority in your life, what you want from your life then you need to do it. Just be careful. There are two ways that you can voice your thoughts. Disrespectfully or with respect. Chances are that if you are disrespectful, your thoughts wont be considered.
Respect isn't the only thing that you need for your thoughts to be considered. You also need facts. You need to have a reason for what you are saying and why. If you don't take the time to back up what you think then people won't take the time to consider it.
It's your life, live it, deal with the consequences, and make your thoughts about YOUR life known.