I'm a young poet. These are just some of my opinions and ideas that influence how I see the world. Please enjoy!



I hate myself for even thinking this. But, I'm starting to feel like no one likes me. And I don't mean guys liking me, I mean, I feel like people try to avoid me. Because I am well, me, I'm not able to see why people would avoid me. Ok, now I am NOT giving you permission to slam me and tell me everything that is wrong with me. Everywhere I look, I see people with their friends, laughing, smiling, and having fun. But thats the thing, I'm only ever watching. I mean, yes, I do have my own friends, but even with them I feel like I am sitting on the outside. I think I may be just imagining things, but I wish it would stop. I don't like being alone, and I have been a lot lately.

I'm back!

Oh, wow! It has been for ever since I have blogged! I know there aren't many of you who read my blog, but I still like blogging. So much has happened lately. I got a job, then quit. I got a boyfriend, then I broke up with him. I failed a math test, just kidding! Anyways, I havebeen so busy lately that I haven't even written any poetry, which you may know means a lot to me. I'm not even sure I could write again if I tried! Oh my, thats a depressing thought. Ok, let's not think about that. What else has happened? I can't really think. My mind is everywhere right now, with exams coming up. Luckily I only have two, but I'm still nervous. English and Leadership, but they are simple enough, right?