I'm a young poet. These are just some of my opinions and ideas that influence how I see the world. Please enjoy!


Comparison of Love

For those of you who know, I am in university this year studying English (No, I am not crazy).Last Semester I wrote a paper on Shakespeare and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Sadly I have to say that I did not get the greatest mark, but I was happy with the results. Have a read and enjoy the little glimpses of these amazing poets.

A Form of Love
          The sonnet is a type of poetry that has been used for many years. Elizabeth Barrett Browning and William Shakespeare both use the sonnet to express their ideas of love. Browning’s sonnet “How Do I Love Thee?” and Shakespeare’s sonnet “My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing like the Sun” look at the love and lover as each poet takes a different path when describing them. Shakespeare challenges the traditional sonnet as he attempts to mock the form and content of the sonnet through his description of his mistress.


Support AER Today!

Welcome students to your new high school.
Welcome to a system that continuously changes.

Are you charismatic?
Can you work well under pressure?
Do hate talking in front of the class?
Have you missed a lot of schools and consequently a lot of assignments?

If you are any of those things,
Then you are in the right place.
Let me explain.

If you are charismatic,then you don't need to worry about rolling in the dirt for marks. Now with the new "Triangulation Of Assessment Data" you can simply have conversations with your teacher. During which you can spit out as much information as you can remember, and woo your teacher.

If you work well under pressure but the due date just doesn't sit well with you, then don't worry. With the new late policy you can hand in your work late and not fear getting any consequence. some teachers may assign a dead line date but that won't bother you, after all it is usually about a month after the project was really due and you work well under pressure.

Do you hate talking in front of the class but are really smart with written words? Then forget talking to the teacher or even participating in class because if you can show your knowledge on paper then you are golden.

I bet for some of you those lates and absences are really adding up. Well have I got news for you. While the system can't help you with your attendance issue it sure can make it so those assignments you missed don't matter. Simply show up to the unit test and ace it and you will be fine.

Just remember that no matter whether you fake it through high school or whether you actually know what you are doing, the system is here for you.

Support the AER system today.

This is not actually how the system works but at a glance this is pretty much how myself and many of my peers thought it was. Also his is not how I see the new AER system at my school but this is my satire version of what it is. If you want to know what is really happening and how it can be beneficial or not then here is the link to the official AER Handbook. Also if you have any responses to the new system or to my post please email me personally at shyannal@gmail.com or comment below.


Why I Write

Do you ever wonder why people pour their heart out on paper? Or why they pay to talk to people? Or maybe why people talk to themselves?

Well, I sure do.

Mind you I do all of those, but I still wonder.

Here's my mini explanation.

Paper allows me to write fast and angrily. I can burn it, tear it up, keep it, crumple it, even frame it. No one can post it somewhere. It can be completely non-existent to anyone but myself. Plus my ideas and thoughts flow better. But on the other side, when I have a lot to say, I get MASSIVE hand cramps. You know the ones I'm talking about, where you feel like another movement will cause it to fall off but at the same time if you don't move your hand it will never move again. Okay, so a little extreme but that's only when I have a lot to say. Plus there is the task of keeping it secret or typing it out if I have this rare desire to share what I'm thinking.

Talking to someone gets me feedback. I can bounce ideas off of people. I don't feel crazy because I am talking to a real person, not an imaginary one or myself. But then again I actually have to avoid nonsensical sentences and pretend I am literate. Making sense is a BIG struggle. So is actually letting people know how I feel, it's like letting the draw bridge down for the enemy.

Now talking to myself is probably the most fun thing I can do. Not only am I never without a conversation, but I find it opens my mind and lets me hear what I'm really thinking. When talking to myself I can say nonsensical things and they make sense, I can be angry and not get yelled at, I can be sad and not get interrogated. It's also private, obviously. My thoughts and worries or ideas stay mine. But, I look crazy when I talk to myself, because I tend to do this on the street when I'm walking places. My co-workers give me funny looks when I leave I am having a full blown conversation with myself, I don't care though. The worst is when people stare me down as they are driving by, like come on drivers, I'M NOT CRAZY.

So for me most of these are aimed towards therapeutic things but I know for a lot of people it isn't like that. I have family and friends who can't stand silence so what better way to fill the quiet then to talk to yourself. Others can't communicate effectively by talking so they write things down. Also a lot of people just love to talk and hear their own voice so they talk to others.

Overall I love writing things down because then I have a record and it helps me understand myself but also it makes it so that I have to remove myself from everything which is always nice.

Any ideas why you write or talk? Feel free to comment or just reflect. I'm just here to write and pass the time.



I have been posting about what if's right? Yes.

Did you know there is a company with the same name?

?What If! partners with companies that are wanting to grow. They create new ideas and products, as well as helping their partners build their innovation capabilities.
They have global offices in New York, London, São Paulo, Manchester, Shanghai, and Singapore.

From looking at their website, I think that these guys are incredible. Well, they kind of have to be when they are working with companies such as Google, L'OREAL, KRAFT, Shell, LG, and, LEVI'S.

As I was looking at their website, I was introduced to their values.
  • Impact - Obsessed with the end goal. Never slaves to process.
  • Audacity - Think big. Hate mediocrity. Seek breakthroughs. 
  • Passion - Explosive drive. Contagious energy. Collaborative spirit.
  • Love - In it together for the long term. Always do the right thing - even when things get tough.
  • Adventure - Step off the path. Defy convention. See what others don't.
Personally, I think that these are great values. And clearly they work.

Here are some facts that I came across.
  • 1,191 years of combined experience
  • 40+ countries where impact is felt
  • 26 languages are spoken
  • 50,000+ executive trained across 20 industries

Feel free to check up on who they are and what they do. Here is the link.


Super Power or Curse?

Every walk by someone and wish you knew what they were thinking. Their thoughts on the weather, the year, the shoes they are wearing, their parents, politics, and maybe even you. I like to fantasize what people think sometimes but more often than not, I think about what they think of me.

Like most people I'm sure, I over-think things. When I explore what someone might think of me, I look at everything they have ever said to me, everything they have ever done around me and of course every look they have given me. You have probably realized by now that that is a very bad thing to do.

But, what if you didn't have to imagine or guess what people thought?
What if you could read their minds?
What if they could read your mind?

 I have always imagined what people might think of me but I do not think that I could ever face what people actually think of me. I am a very loud and sometimes abrasive person. Although I know that it is true, I would not be able to handle seeing(or hearing) that people saw me the way that I see myself.

If you could read minds, there would be no secrets. You would never have to worry about someone lying to you but you would be faced with the truth 24/7 and a lot of people can not handle that.

Let's think about surprises. If you could read someones mind, and they could never lie to you or hid anything from you, there would never be any surprises. You would know what all your gifts were, you would know everything. Would you want that?

Reading minds could be a curse and a blessing. What if you could turn it on and off? You could pick when to listen and when to not! Would you?


Poor Santa

Santa Clause lives where? The North Pole, right? Of course, everyone knows that.

North Pole Sign PNG Clipart
Ever seen this sign?
Where do we live? Well, anywhere there is land and resources. Almost every time you turn on the news you hear of some disaster that has devastated many. Whether is be a flood, hurricane, earthquake, explosion, etc. the population suffers.

When I think of the North Pole, I tend not to think of a population but, what if the North Pole melted? What would happen?

Lets think of every one who would be affected:
- Santa Clause

 I think that sums it up quite nicely.

You might be asking why it impacts everyone. Or perhaps you are wondering why a person my age cares about Santa.

Well, I think it impacts everyone because think about it on a smaller scale. If you stick an ice cube in a full glass of water, what happens when the ice melts?

It overflows.

So, if the North Pole melts, what will happen?

The oceans will over flow and many people will lose there homes.

But, the North Pole won't melt. Will it?


True Knowledge

We all like to know things. The grass is green, the sky is blue, I am a girl, I live in Canada, the world is round, and bacon is AMAZING!

But what if all of that was taken away. What if we could only know things by reading about them? No going out, no experiencing the wind, food, family, friendship, love, and heartache.

Do you think that we would be different people? or even a different society?

If you read about what a hug feels like, would you understand it even if you have never experienced a real hug? I know I wouldn't. I think that much of the world would become a fantasy and partially unknown to most of us.

I have found a poem that I believes captures the way that I see the world. Of course, it is a what if poem but this poem in particular, challenges what we think we know. It makes us think about our experiences and knowledge. It makes you wonder what you really know and if it is possible that you are wrong.
So let us think about this poem shall we? 
A tree - as far as I know the tree outside is not upside down
Clouds - the only cloud I know of that is on the ground is fog, and that isn't technically a cloud 
Chairs - hair? really?
Ice - I think my ice tray makes cubes
And so on.

I know these things as facts right? Yes. But, what if these facts were not true?

 I suppose it is kind of like the saying "a rose by any other name would still be a rose".

Would you ever challenge what you know as true?