I'm a young poet. These are just some of my opinions and ideas that influence how I see the world. Please enjoy!



There is a fine line between what is real and what is not. But, there is a way to cross the line and enter the unknown.
The unknown is composed of a million and one "what ifs".

Those "what ifs" can be extremely outrageous, like "what if I spontaneously grew a second nose", they can even be very simple, like "what if it rains today".

Personally, I love entertaining the outrageous and spontaneous what ifs that invade my mind.

When I look at my life and the way that I think, I usually notice that almost every single one of my thoughts starts with what if.

So what do you think of what if questions? 
Do they scare you? 
Do they thrill you? 
Do you ignore them? 
Do you crave them?
Encourage them?
What about sharing them? Or do you keep them to yourself?

When the first snow fall of the year happens, and you have that urge to go outside and cherish it, most people will go outside. I am the kind of person who stands outside waiting for the first snow fall. 

So, when it comes to ifs, I am the exact same way. 90% of my time is spent thinking of alternative situations or even fantasies.

I love exploring the unknown, as long as the unknown remains in my head. If I was to face any number of my ifs, I would run in the other direction. Although I do love using my imagination, it will stay just that, my imagination.

But, I will always look forward to each new question. 

What about you? What do you think of if questions? Have you ever tried to live them through? or are you like me, and you just keep them and their (im)possibilities in your mind?


All over again!!

So this semester I have a class in which I must create a new blog! I really don't want to do this! I love writing here and I like how I can write about absolutely anything and no one can stop me. Anyways, I have to have a topic and keep it interesting.
 My first idea was DRAGONFLIES!! Of course. 
But I cannot write about dragonflies, twice a week, for four months.
No way. I would go insane. I just don't want to do this. There are so many things to blog about but nothing that I care about that much. Although I don't want to do this, I have thought of an idea.
Have you ever wondered what might have happened if things were different?
Well, I am going to explore that. 
I am going to post poems, rants, random thoughts, and pictures on things that make you wonder "What if?"
I am really looking forward to this all of a sudden.