I'm a young poet. These are just some of my opinions and ideas that influence how I see the world. Please enjoy!


Sight Seeing for Men

All too often, us women are lied to and taken advantage of. We are seen as bodies even if we do not show our body. "Eye candy", that's what we are. When will we become something more than just a sight for men to cast their eyes upon? When will we been seen as people? Will we even find the one that doesn't care what we look like? I truly hope so. I just wish it was easier.
Us women, long to feel loved and appreciated. Sadly this is why we get hurt so bad. We are pulled in by men who act like they like every thing about us.
Then the truth comes out.
We will never be more than just a body. 
I have had my share of relationships and I can truthfully say, every single relationship ended because I was not willing to use my body to keep them. I was not willing to have some guy, who doesn't truly love me, disrespect my body.
We need to fix this problem. And to do that we need to start with us, the women of the world. Yes, media does tell us women that we need to show everything to be pretty. But, what happened to the days when a man was not given the opportunity to look at you with hunger. A man doesn't want a women who lets every Tom, Dick and Harry, to see all of her. They might want that for a while but, if a man is truly looking for the one, truly wanting to spend the rest of his life with a woman that he loves unconditionally, he wont go for the slut. Sadly, most women only give men the option of being with the slut, so that's what men start looking for. Because it's easy.
NO, it will not happen over night. And no, you may not have a fleet of men chasing after you. But if you honor and respect yourself, and show that you do, then you will find a man who will respect and honor you.
There are still good guys out there, but you won't find them unless you yourself are a good woman.
"We accept the love we think we deserve." 
Trust me when I say, every women, despite her faults and mistakes, deserves her own,
Prince Charming.