I'm a young poet. These are just some of my opinions and ideas that influence how I see the world. Please enjoy!



Lately there has been a lot of talk about being gay, lesbian or having any other sexual orientation. There are lots of people who don't agree with the lifestyle that people lead. Unfortunately when someone states that they disagree with the lifestyle, people who live that lifestyle become offended and jump to the conclusion that they are homophobic. There are many people who are homophobic but not everyone who does not agree with the homosexual lifestyle is homophobic.
If you look up the definition of homophobia you will get something like: intense hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality. This is where personal definitions come into play. Hatred or fear do not mean disagreeing, although they almost always require a disagreement. Some people show their difference of opinion very verbally and that can cause others to believe that you have hatred towards the lifestyle or sexuality.
A lot of homosexuals attack the church and claim that the church hates them. I do go to church and I am here to say that the church or religion does not hate homosexuals. There is a part of our faith that does not agree with the lifestyle. Some Christians do hate homosexuals but they do not hate because of their faith, it is because of their own personal reasons. Christianity teaches that you should love everybody as your brother. That means that a devote Christian should look past the sexual orientation of a person and love them as we are told to do.
This is just my opinion and view about how some people accuse others of being homophobic. I am not homophobic in any way. Some of my best friends have been gay even though I do not agree with the lifestyle.

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