I'm a young poet. These are just some of my opinions and ideas that influence how I see the world. Please enjoy!


Matter of Personal Opinion

Today I had a discussion with one of my friends about a certain opinion of mine. I will start off with saying that I love talking about opinions because it helps you understand yourself and others. The opinion we discussed has no importance but I believe that no matter what opinion it was it should be respected. I am not saying that everyone should worship my opinions, because I would hate that, but I think that we all need to respect that others have different opinions.
What I am trying to get to is the fact that one of my friends attacked an opinion of mine. Friend started off the conversation by saying that we all have our own opinions. Friend then continued to attack me with a million reasons why my opinion was wrong and why I was not allowed to think that. For those of you who know me on a personal level, you may know that if I believe in something then I will defend it to the death.
My first reaction was to retaliate by defending my opinion, and sadly I did. I now regret that because some of my thoughts got mixed up when they were translated into words. I have been close with Friend for a while now and I didn't want to lose that friendship. I told Friend that I was sorry that Friend felt that way about my opinion, and that I understood that our opinions were different. After saying that, I felt like our discussion had come to a conclusion. Little did I know that Friend apparently not only felt harshly towards my opinion but Friend stated that Friend felt the same way about my personality.
On a closing note I am not sure how my personality and my opinion are connected. I have learned that I need to not defend my opinion as much, and not share my blog URL with people. From now on people shall find my strange thoughts, opinions, and poems by surfing the web.

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