Spam mail!
Don't you dare tell me that you have no idea what I am talking about. Everyone knows about that annoying little attack on your emails. No matter what email you have, whether it be gmail, hotmail, yahoo, and even live, you will never escape the spam mail.

Let's be serious here though. If there wasn't any spam mail, I probably would not be on my email all that much! I really only go on to delete all my spam mail, because to be honest I do not get that many real emails.
So any ideas what spam mail is exactly? Those emails are also called junk mail but the whole idea of them are that they are identical emails that are sent to a LARGE number of people.
Any ideas why it is bad? Here are some of my reasons: they are unwanted, may include a virus, scams, encourages impulse buying, it's all garbage, may tarnish email reputation and even make you hate your email.
All in all, spam mail is bad! It is a waste of time! Your time and the time of those who send it.
I truly believe that unsubscribing to spam emails can be very therapeutic.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree but there are always those emails that do not let you unsubscribe.
Deleteyeah spam mail sucks. I remember way back when I use to use MSN daily to just chat to friends and what not, and I would always recieve those annoying chain letters where it would say something like "if you don't forward this to 5 poeple by mignight tonight, you're mother will die a painful death" Those use to freak me out and made me want to use msn less and less
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you. When I first started getting those, I would have nightmares about things actually happening like the emails had said. Although, back then I believe I was around the age of ten and I was super gullible.