I'm a young poet. These are just some of my opinions and ideas that influence how I see the world. Please enjoy!


Poor Santa

Santa Clause lives where? The North Pole, right? Of course, everyone knows that.

North Pole Sign PNG Clipart
Ever seen this sign?
Where do we live? Well, anywhere there is land and resources. Almost every time you turn on the news you hear of some disaster that has devastated many. Whether is be a flood, hurricane, earthquake, explosion, etc. the population suffers.

When I think of the North Pole, I tend not to think of a population but, what if the North Pole melted? What would happen?

Lets think of every one who would be affected:
- Santa Clause

 I think that sums it up quite nicely.

You might be asking why it impacts everyone. Or perhaps you are wondering why a person my age cares about Santa.

Well, I think it impacts everyone because think about it on a smaller scale. If you stick an ice cube in a full glass of water, what happens when the ice melts?

It overflows.

So, if the North Pole melts, what will happen?

The oceans will over flow and many people will lose there homes.

But, the North Pole won't melt. Will it?


  1. I like how all of your blog posts as so different from each other, the variety is good so keep it up!

  2. did my Christmas blogs inspire you? haha. and I think the north pole will melt but in small increments.

  3. I personally believe that it is very unlikely for the North Pole to melt, especially just like that. I think that if it did, it would be WAY past our time. Also, if it is slowly melting, we can change things on land to keep them safe.
