Do you ever wonder why people pour their heart out on paper? Or why they pay to talk to people? Or maybe why people talk to themselves?
Well, I sure do.
Mind you I do all of those, but I still wonder.
Here's my mini explanation.

Paper allows me to write fast and angrily. I can burn it, tear it up, keep it, crumple it, even frame it. No one can post it somewhere. It can be completely non-existent to anyone but myself. Plus my ideas and thoughts flow better. But on the other side, when I have a lot to say, I get MASSIVE hand cramps. You know the ones I'm talking about, where you feel like another movement will cause it to fall off but at the same time if you don't move your hand it will never move again. Okay, so a little extreme but that's only when I have a lot to say. Plus there is the task of keeping it secret or typing it out if I have this rare desire to share what I'm thinking.
Talking to someone gets me feedback. I can bounce ideas off of people. I don't feel crazy because I am talking to a real person, not an imaginary one or myself. But then again I actually have to avoid nonsensical sentences and pretend I am literate. Making sense is a BIG struggle. So is actually letting people know how I feel, it's like letting the draw bridge down for the enemy.

Now talking to myself is probably the most fun thing I can do. Not only am I never without a conversation, but I find it opens my mind and lets me hear what I'm really thinking. When talking to myself I can say nonsensical things and they make sense, I can be angry and not get yelled at, I can be sad and not get interrogated. It's also private, obviously. My thoughts and worries or ideas stay mine. But, I look crazy when I talk to myself, because I tend to do this on the street when I'm walking places. My co-workers give me funny looks when I leave I am having a full blown conversation with myself, I don't care though. The worst is when people stare me down as they are driving by, like come on drivers, I'M NOT CRAZY.
So for me most of these are aimed towards therapeutic things but I know for a lot of people it isn't like that. I have family and friends who can't stand silence so what better way to fill the quiet then to talk to yourself. Others can't communicate effectively by talking so they write things down. Also a lot of people just love to talk and hear their own voice so they talk to others.
Overall I love writing things down because then I have a record and it
helps me understand myself but also it makes it so that I have to remove
myself from everything which is always nice.
Any ideas why you write or talk? Feel free to comment or just reflect. I'm just here to write and pass the time.